More SMEs are now realising the value of proactive HR. Effective people management and processes are proven to drive performance and have an impact on the bottom line.
However, for many SMEs, employing a qualified HR Manager may be too costly an investment for their business at this stage. So how can your business experience the benefits without increasing your headcount? This is where Howarths come in.
Our qualified HR specialists will work with you onsite to drive your business forward. From upskilling your managers to designing effective performance management scheme, coaching and mediation services, recruitment and selection, restructures and redundancy consultations and conducting investigations to chairing or supporting disciplinaries and grievances…we have you covered.
What’s even better, Howarths can help you manage costs through our ‘Banked Hours’ scheme. Signing up to the service gives you the flexibility to use the hours as and when you need our support, and you will benefit from preferential rates.
To find out about the banked hours scheme, call Tracey on 01274 864999