
Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) extended to Track and Trace Isolations

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Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) extended to Track and Trace Isolations

The government’s “Track and Trace” system is being introduced today as a means of trying to control the spread of Covid-19.
Members of the public who utilise the system will receive a notification from the NHS if they have been in contact with someone with Covid-19 and instructed to self-isolate for 14 days. The government is potentially going to introduce fines for individuals who fail to self-isolate in this way.
To address the isolation impact, the government have extended The Statutory Sick Pay (General) (Coronavirus Amendment) (No 4) Regulations 2020 to ensure that people who have been instructed to self-isolate through the Track and Trace system will be entitled to SSP for the isolation period.
Usual rules regarding the notification of absence that exist under the contract of employment will continue to apply although employers should exercise flexibility in terms of the requirement to present GP fit notes as this may not be possible in  current circumstances.