Top Tips For Managing New Recruits

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Top Tips For Managing New Recruits

So you have spent precious time, money and energy into trying to recruit the right candidate for the role, only to have them leave shortly after having joined. So, what went wrong? Well you can take some comfort in knowing that you are not alone in this experience, as new recruits will usually exit employment with their new employer within the first year of starting (sometimes just weeks in!), if they feel disconnected with the company, or their position. However, there are steps for employers to take to hopefully avoid this issue. Some of which are, simply ensuring the recruitment process provides true information about the role and the company, and that new staff are made to feel welcomed.
It’s entirely at an employer’s decision as to how new employees are inducted to their employment. However, some important and common steps for managers to take during a new employee’s first days/weeks/months is set out below for you:

1. Review meetings

Conducting frequent review meetings with new staff, to discuss their progression in the role and provide any assistance required, can often boost their level of engagement with the company and their position within it. This is mainly due to managers showing interest in new employees, and their work. Failing to do so can therefore often have an adverse effect, such as disengaged staff, under performance, high turnover, etc. which are all things to be avoided.

2. Provide information

Supplying new employees with essential information about their role, and the company, such as key policies and procedures, will ensure they become familiar with the correct way of working, from the outset. This is important as by doing so will (hopefully) avoid any mistakes from a new employee. However, to ensure information is understood, employers should allow suitable time for this to be digested. Also, as you don’t want a new employee making a huge mistake due to their slight misunderstanding, be sure to go through their understanding of the information provided.

3. Communication

It is more likely for an employee to stay with their employer if they work in an environment where matters are communicated well, and continually. Therefore be sure to: discuss with new employee’s any issues you may have, deliver training well, provide opportunities for employees to ask questions; and maintain a good level of contact overall. As new employees can often be nervous, particularly when it comes to talking to management, it’s vital for managers to create a positive working environment and to operate an open door policy.
Being actively supportive towards new employees settling in is something which most staff desire from a new employer. However, for further HR tips and guidance, telephone Howarths on 01274 864999 and speak to one of our advisors.