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HR Focus on Artificial Intelligence

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HR Focus on Artificial Intelligence

AI has long threatened to disrupt the people-focused world of HR, but with rapid developments and the adoption of platforms such as ChatGPT (which can be used to create things such as LinkedIn posts), should HR really be concerned?

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the creation of computer systems capable of performing tasks that historically only a human could do, such as reasoning, making decisions, and problem-solving.   Today, the term ‘AI’ describes a wide range of technologies that power many of the services and goods we use in everyday life, from apps that recommend TV shows to chatbots that provide customer support.

The Reality

AI has been around in various guises for a while; IBM has recently led the way by announcing a pause on recruitment for non-consumer-facing roles, including HR, while it invests billions in AI development.  However, this rapid rate of change calls for a robust and commercial strategy. For instance, the creation of a new job role is just one example of how AI is shaping and changing the world of work.

Streamlining HR Processes

The HR function is likely to be overhauled as more generative AI tools become embedded in organisations and various tools are already in development and in use, promising to streamline typically laborious HR processes.

AI ‘chatbots’ are being designed to help companies pre-screen candidates and pledge not only to reduce ‘hiring’ time in terms of sifting through CVs and collating right-to-work documents but also to limit bias at the recruitment stage by basing searches solely on qualifications and experience.   This will ensure that candidates are screened on merit and not on whether they have a disability or because of age, race, or gender.

AI-powered learning management systems are also being developed, and they will be able to analyse company policies, identify employee skill gaps, recommend training programs, and also develop bespoke L&D sessions for staff.

The future

Although AI is actively being utilised and developed in all areas of the workplace, there is still lots of discussion in terms of this software ever being able to fully replace the ‘real HR professional’.  It will also take a lot of investment in regard to time, training, and money to adopt these levels of AI into the SME world. The safest option seems to be to encourage experimentation on an internal platform to see what works best for each organisation.