
An Update from Howarths Managing Director, Gavin Howarth

Our team of specialists are ready to help your business today

I can’t quite believe it’s the end of June. Where is the year going?

2024 has been a real period of change in Employment Law, and next week’s election will bring even more. For anyone who missed it our Legal and Compliance Director, Charlotte Geesin, has written a great article on how the result of the election could impact your business The election and your business.

We love supporting businesses to thrive and get the most out of their people. On a daily basis, we see the challenges businesses face. The below points are the most common issues I find managers and owners telling me about. They cause stress, cost precious time, and, if not managed quickly, can detriment the culture and growth of the workplace.

Here is the list……

1.Paying a premium for managers who either don’t manage, ‘pass the buck,’ or ‘go rogue.’
2. Staff who are coasting or, worse, actively pulling against the business.
3. No clarity or written record of what people are supposed to be doing.
4. An induction plan consisting of “here’s your desk, crack on”.
5. Awarding pay rises based on emotion and gut feeling.
6. Ad-hoc appraisals that ‘tick a box.’
7. Struggling to get the very top talent to join (job adverts not being responded to).
8. Losing your best people to the competition.
9. Staff off sick or coming to work when they are ill.
10. Staff are frequently confused over who to report to and who is responsible for what.
11. Directors overworked – ‘in’ the business, not ‘on’ the business.
12. Very little fun or joy at work.
13. No one knows where the staff handbook or policies are or if they are up to date.
14. No idea what GDPR obligations are in relation to staff.
15. Very little knowledge internally about correct HR procedures.
16. Can’t keep up with the pace of legal change.
17. If randomly asked, staff are unclear about what the business mission or purpose is.
18. Too at risk of recruiting the wrong person.
19. Far too reliant on one or two key individuals.
20. Values stuck on the boardroom wall that no-one lives out.
21. Struggling to work out what staff actually want or what they truly think about work.
22. Poor behaviour and/or bad attitude more frequent than you’d like.
23. A team that only seems motivated by the next pay cheque or bonus.
24. Whoever is responsible for HR and/or Health and safety is overworked, overwhelmed, and feels exposed.

Do any of these apply to you?

With our experienced team, these are the points we love helping businesses with. Creating thriving workplaces and lowering your stress levels.

You know where we are if you need any support.

Have a great month ahead and take care,

Gavin Howarth, MD of Howarths